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Fateh Watches Recognised by Britishpedia for Outstanding Achievements in Horology
Fateh Watches is proud to announce that its founder, Tuan Haji Zainal Mohd Ali, has been honoured by British Publishing House...
Fateh Watches Celebrates Consecutive Wins at the Malaysia Good Design Awards 2023
In an extraordinary achievement that underscores its commitment to excellence, Fateh Watches has been awarded the prestigious...
Momentous Milestone: Fateh Watches Receives Award & Recognition At Malaysia Good Design Award 2022
The journey to starting a business wasn’t easy but through sheer determination and support of family and friends, Tuan Haji...
Apa Kelebihan Jam Tawaf Fateh?
RAMAI YANG MASIH BELUM TAHU kewujudan jam tawaf di pasaran dan dalam masa yang sama, ramai juga yang mencari jam tawaf yang...
Apa Itu Jam Tawaf?
SEJARAH RINGKAS JAM TAWAF Tahukah anda, jam yang ada kebanyakannya hari ini, ialah jam anti-tawaf? Pihak Barat telah mengubah...
Kebaikan Jam Tawaf
KESAN POSITIF JAM TAWAF Pergerakan Jam Tawaf ini memberikan faedah yang sangat positif kepada jasad tubuh badan si pemakainya....